
Vincent Precht


  1. Mike    

    If it really represents new understanding and insight on his part, that is good. I don’t know if it will result in policy changes during the rest of his administration, but I hope so. (Very late for him to realize this, but better late than never.)

    It is clearly a reaction to increased public awareness and outcry about this issue, and the news media reporting on this statement of his will increase that awareness further. Therefore, regardless of whether this administration will change course on education in its short time remaining, one can hope that the increase in public awareness and expression of opinion about this will affect the policies of the next President and Congress.

  2. Mary    

    So stop making teachers stake their future on these stupid tests. High stake tests are like using chemotherapy for the common cold. Not related to the problem. And, powerful but useless in improving the health of the organism. Often harmful.

  3. Dale Lidicker    

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

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