
by Aixa Rodriguez. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? Educators are on the front line when it comes to dealing with the effects of tragic events. When it comes to the Michael Brown shooting the the subsequent …


By Lucianna Sanson. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? Our response as educators should be to speak up about these issues and raise awareness about the institution of racism in America. White people, …


by Yohuru Williams. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? One of the most important things to remember is that the Michael Brown shooting, like any teachable moment, is an opportunity for educators to help …


By Adam Bessie.      In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice?  Without doubt, there is a cone of silence around race in the education dialogue from white teachers – and I include myself in this.   Part of this …


by Michelle Gunderson. Imagine you are 8 years old. Your parents respectfully requested that you not participate in standardized testing. Yet, your school system insists on putting the test in front of you, reading the directions, and making you sit quietly for the duration of the test. Now that over a thousand …


By Paul Horton. Part three of three.  Perhaps even more alarming than the Obama administration is the recent campaign headed up by former CNN and CNBC talk show host Campbell Brown and former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs against teacher tenure. Energized by the apparent success of the Vergara decision, the …


By Paul Horton. Part two of three. In the twenty-five years after the last major Civil Rights Act of 1968, most whites abandoned the Democrats in the South as white flight and the Southern Baptist Convention sought public support for private schools that were created in suburban areas like Cobb and northern …


by Paul Horton. Part one of three.  My son and I took our annual road trip last week. We listen to books on tape and blues as we travel. He is learning to drive so, for the first time, he was able to take the wheel for hours at a time while I bit my fingernails and chewed my gum. On the morning of our arrival to …


A question on a New York Regents test lauds the “stunning” contribution Bill Gates has made to the global fight against disease. Last week high school students in the state of New York who previously failed their New York Regents exam in June were given a second chance. This test is one of five that …


A high school teacher asks us to consider the techrights and human rights of the underage human subjects of business-imposed edtech experiments and “innovations”, and to reflect on Audrey Watters’ column, Ed-Tech and the Templated Self: Thoughts from the “Reclaim Your Domain” Hackathon. by Mary …