
In 2010, a stark image was broadcast around the nation. It showed a child seated at a school desk surrounded by absolute devastation and ruin. That image was used promote the movie, “Waiting For Superman.” The movie was boosted with a $2 million advertising grant from the Gates Foundation, and was further …


By Denisha Jones. As many parents prepare to send their child(ren) off to school this year they are hopeful that their children will return home each day with reports that they learned something new or made a new friend. Unfortunately for many parents their children will come home and report that they spent the …


By Anthony Cody. The teachers of America have been learning some very deep lessons about the nature of 21st century capitalism. And these lessons may turn teachers into a political force to be reckoned with in the years to come. Those who have studied Marxist theory know that he predicted that the exploited …


by Aixa Rodriguez. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? Educators are on the front line when it comes to dealing with the effects of tragic events. When it comes to the Michael Brown shooting the the subsequent …


By Lucianna Sanson. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? Our response as educators should be to speak up about these issues and raise awareness about the institution of racism in America. White people, …


By Xian Barrett. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? We must acknowledge the fact that if our students feel as if we don’t care if they live or die, there is literally no way we can engage them in an …


by Yohuru Williams. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? One of the most important things to remember is that the Michael Brown shooting, like any teachable moment, is an opportunity for educators to help …


By Adam Bessie.      In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice?  Without doubt, there is a cone of silence around race in the education dialogue from white teachers – and I include myself in this.   Part of this …


By Denisha Jones. 1. In terms of a response to the Michael Brown shooting, what is our responsibility as educators and citizens who care about social justice? I think our responsibility is to help our colleagues and neighbors understand why the death of Michael Brown and the response in Ferguson is an educational …


By Michelle Gunderson. We have a saying in the testing resistance movement – don’t feed the beast, starve the data monster. When parents opt their children out of testing they are taking a strong stance against having their children’s data used as a mechanism to sort students, punish teachers, and privatize …