
By Anthony Cody. Educators have growing interest in the candidacy of Senator Bernie Sanders. Today I posted my own statement of support for his candidacy. This support has been a bit slow in coming,  because many, including myself, have expressed a desire for more specific policies regarding K12 education. Along …


By Anthony Cody. This was a big year for education. We saw the tortuous end of No Child Left Behind, replaced by a new law that will be subject to many future battles over the amount of tests and the stakes placed on them. Charter schools continued to be darlings of the corporate world, but diligent reporting and …


By Anthony Cody. With her ill-informed remarks on school closures, Hillary Clinton set off a bit of a firestorm among education activists. Her full remarks have been posted by Valerie Strauss, so there is no question what she said, and as Peter Greene points out, context does not help much. She clearly thinks …


By Anthony Cody. In May of 2011, as the NEA and AFT participated in planning a major protest of the Obama administration’s education policies, the NEA leadership announced they were endorsing President Obama for re-election, more than a year prior to the election in November, 2012. It was never revealed …


By Susan DuFresne. I was there. I was there to hear Bernie speak at Westlake in Seattle yesterday. To get it out in the open, I am a white ally and still learning, still reflecting, still processing what happened yesterday in Seattle, when Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors took over the stage at the Sanders …


By Anthony Cody. A high stakes experiment in educational collaboration is unfolding in the state of California, and I have a feeling of foreboding. I am afraid teachers and students in my state are like frogs in a pot that is slowly heating, and before we know it we will be cooked. Though State Superintendent Tom …


By Anthony Cody. As we enter the campaign for the 2016 presidential race, educators and students are looking for a candidate willing to buck some very powerful trends. In 2008, we were led to believe that Obama would break with the disastrous policies of GW Bush, and bring an end to No Child Left Behind. But …