
By John Thompson It was with trepidation that I approached A Path Appears, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. I would never try to match my narrow expertise in my field, inner city education, with Kristof’s and WuDunn’s comprehensive expertise on global problems. My students and I shared many wonderful …


succssBy John Thompson. The old test-driven, accountability-driven school reform movement is overextended, cut off, and heading for a catastrophic defeat – and they know it. That is why some of its most zealous crusaders are doubling down on anti-teacher legal campaigns. This is the accountability hawks’ last …


By Anthony Cody. In 2014, most of the communications media is carrying messages sponsored or controlled by the wealthy. When speech is redefined by the Supreme Court to include the spending of money, then those with unlimited money have a nearly unlimited ability to speak via the airwaves. This week I described …


In 2010, a stark image was broadcast around the nation. It showed a child seated at a school desk surrounded by absolute devastation and ruin. That image was used promote the movie, “Waiting For Superman.” The movie was boosted with a $2 million advertising grant from the Gates Foundation, and was further …