
By Anthony Cody. A new report from Marc Tucker is gaining some support for its supposedly new approach to holding schools accountable. But I am afraid his plan makes many of the mistakes that previous such systems have made. Here is the core of his proposal: Instead of testing all of our students every year with …


After five years at his post, Secretary Duncan indicates he is now “listening to teachers on testing.” His statement, released this morning, offers a thorough repudiation of teaching to the test, but little substance regarding federal policies, beyond offering states the chance to request a year’s delay in …


A question on a New York Regents test lauds the “stunning” contribution Bill Gates has made to the global fight against disease. Last week high school students in the state of New York who previously failed their New York Regents exam in June were given a second chance. This test is one of five that …


Jonathan Kozol says: “A powerful and important book by one of the most courageous advocates for sanity and simple justice in our public schools.”  From the Common Core to test-based teacher evaluation systems cropping up around the country, to the rapid expansion of semi-private charter schools, the …